Extra Security for your Copier

Are you doing everything you can to protect your business from an attack? Many people think that they are doing their part to make sure they are safe, but they leave themselves vulnerable. One of the most overlooked spots is in your office copier. Your copier holds much more information than you may be aware of. Getting extra security for your copier is the best way to make sure you are covering your bases when it comes to cyber security.

Many people never even consider what could be hidden on their office copier. There is a powerful hard drive inside every office machine that keeps track of all of it’s activity. That means that every fax, copy, print, and email that has been sent through your copier has a duplicate inside of your copier. This could be much more information than you imagine. Personal information from all of your employees as well as customers could be stored inside your office machine. You need to make sure this information isn’t take by someone nefarious.

There are a great number of extra security options that are available to those who work with the best leasing companies. Many office machines come with some sort of security, but other features can be added for extra security.


  • Encrypted PDF files for scanning
  • Hard drive encryption
  • User permissions
  • Network authentication
  • IP Filtering
  • Smart Cards
  • Secure printing
  • Track all activity


Do your part to protect your business from data theft. Get extra security  for your copier before it’s too late.
